SensoryWorks™ is an occupational therapy-based treatment program that combines multi-sensory strategies with life wellness skills.
It addresses the importance of community re-entry by focusing on self-regulation and teaching essential competencies for living. Clients learn to manage their sensory systems and craft a life skills plan for long-term wellness.
Designed and implemented by Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy Assistants, the SensoryWorks™ multi-sensory experience provides a carefully designed environment filled with calming and organizing sensory input.
SensoryWorks™ collaborates with the client to consciously build their individualized tool kit of self-regulation. The focus of SensoryWorks™ is to attain a level of occupational functioning that allows for maximal engagement in life and community and meaningful life roles.
We work with clients to develop mastery in the following areas (depending on specific needs):
Educational Support
Vocational Support
Home management/Time Management Skills
Roles, Patterns, and Routines
Intrinsic Motivation
Leisure Engagement
Executive functioning skills
Sleep Hygiene
Chronic Pain
Anger Management
For more information regarding cash pay rates or to schedule your evaluation, please email us at or call us at 801-438-9310.
Sensory Strategies
What are sensory strategies and how do they work? Learn More >
Eleven life skills for improved self-regulation. Learn More >
“There have been many things that have helped me in my recovery program. Occupational Therapy was by far my favorite and most helpful to my personal recovery. It helped me with my anger problems, my restlessness, my sleep problems, and to realize the type of sensory I need to apply to my life everyday. It puts you in touch with yourself like never before. I feel everyone should do this therapy for as much as it has helped me.”
School-based Occupational Therapists have many established and creative ways to help a child thrive within his/her school setting.
Occupational Therapists work with students on many skills needed to fully access their educational environment. Our therapists want their students to have the greatest independence possible.
The most common skill areas worked on are:
Bilateral Coordination (cutting, jumping jacks, buttoning)
Visual perceptual (tracking, “staying in the lines”, recognizing reversals)
Visual motor integration (handwriting, coloring, drawing, copying)
Sensory integration and self regulation (maintaining focus and alertness level, sensory breaks, tolerating tactile inputs, making smooth transitions)
Motor planning and sequencing (imitating postures in PE class, completing multi-step tasks, participating in novel playground games)
Functional daily living skills
Social skills and participation
Our Occupational Therapists (OTs) and Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants (COTAs) work with students in the following areas:
Classroom skills, PE class, and playground/recess participation
Playground and sports participation
Self-help skills and activities of daily living
Social participation
Keeping an organized workspace
Social skills
Transitioning from one environment to another
Assistive technology needs
Sensory regulation
Maintaining focus and optimal level of alertness to learn
Prevocational and transition needs